The Powerful Brand Positioning of an Iconic Car Company

Posted by Carolyn Crafts
The Iconic Car Company's Powerful Brand Positioning

volvo's bold move & Porsche's defiant stance

In 2020, Volvo announced a bold move to limit the top speed of all its new cars to 112 mph, aiming for zero fatalities or serious injuries in its vehicles by 2020. This global change, starting with the 2021 models, was part of Volvo's commitment to closing the speed gap as a significant step towards its ambitious safety target.

Porsche's Response: A Contrasting Philosophy

porsche brand positioning map

Porsche, however, quickly responded with a firm stance: “It will never limit the top speed of its vehicles, let alone follow Volvo’s lead—ever.” Instead of speed limitations, Porsche invested $100 million in a crash-safety research center and leveraged Volkswagen Group’s extensive crash-safety research and technology. 

Timeless Design and Profitability

Despite minimal changes in appearance over the decades, Porsche remains the world's most profitable car company. The classic design evolution—from early models resembling VW Beetles to today’s sleek sports cars—demonstrates timeless appeal.

Porsche's Unique Brand Positioning

The Sports Luxury Segment

Porsche operates in the “Sports Luxury” segment, distinguishing itself from premium and super-luxury brands. Unlike BMW or Mercedes Benz, all Porsche models are sports cars designed for everyday use. This positioning ensures that Porsche is seen as both more luxurious and sportier than its competitors.

Success in the SUV Market

The brand’s entry into the sports luxury SUV segment didn’t dilute its sports car image. Instead, it led to financial success, with Porsche now selling more SUVs than sports cars. This strategic move allowed the brand to reach consumers seeking the Porsche experience in a more practical vehicle for families and commuting.

Leveraging SUV Success to Enhance Core Strengths

The profits from SUV sales have been reinvested into improving Porsche’s sports cars, maintaining their high performance and luxury standards. The brand’s success hinges on the perception and desirability of its sports cars, particularly the iconic 911, which remains central to Porsche’s brand identity.

The Power of Brand Differentiation

Porsche's decision to avoid speed limitations, even when the broader German industry embraced it, underscores its unique brand positioning. As Porsche chief Oliver Blume put it, “Porsche was always so special, and that’s a brand differentiation we have. If we are put under pressure, then I can live with pressure.”

Dominating a Niche Market

This differentiation has allowed Porsche to dominate a niche within the automobile sector, making it the most profitable car company in the world. Its ability to maintain its position at the forefront of building reliable and desirable sports luxury vehicles is a testament to its successful brand strategy.

Lessons for Your Brand

Porsche’s story offers crucial insights for brand positioning and differentiation. By identifying a unique value proposition and consistently delivering on it, Porsche has carved out a profitable niche. Brands should consider their unique strengths and how they can be leveraged to stand out in a crowded market.

Actionable Steps

So, what’s next? Look at your brand’s core strengths and think about how you can differentiate yourself from the competition. What unique value can you offer that others can’t? By answering these questions, you can create a strong, profitable brand that resonates with your target audience.

Explore how FullSurge's experienced brand strategy consultants can help you find your unique brand positioning here.

In a world where safety and performance often seem at odds, Volvo and Porsche exemplify how brands can take different paths to success. Volvo’s focus on safety and Porsche’s commitment to performance and luxury both demonstrate the power of a well-defined brand strategy. By understanding and leveraging these lessons, you can create a brand that stands out and thrives in today’s competitive marketplace.

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