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Bring Your Brand to Life with the Help of our FullSurge Brand & Marketing VideosThe 2 Key Factors to Creating an Optimal Customer Experience
Why crafting a brand-inspired experience is about creating a customer journey consistent with the brand positioning rather than an ideal experience.
Why is the Customer Experience So Important?
As competition for public attention and the proliferation of options increase, meaningful customer interactions provide a means to stand out.
This is Why Too Many Options Can Lead to No Sale at All
Does giving customers too many options negatively affect their decisions—and, consequently, your revenue?
The Delicate Balance of Growth Within a Branded Product Line
Brand extensions can be a powerful tool to drive business growth, but it is crucial that the connection between them and their core brand remain consistent.
This is Why 85% of Line Extensions Fail
Brand extendibility represents one of the most logical ways to achieve profitable brand growth, however, many companies struggle with how far to stretch, where specifically to extend, and how to ensure success.
Why Marketers Need to Look Inward to Inspire Brand Extendibility
Marketers can turn to numerous sources of inspiration when it comes to brand extendibility. Surprisingly, few look inward to their brand positioning for inspiration.
How Brand Management Has Changed in the Digital Era
Brand owners must bear in mind digitally savvy consumers have grown increasingly impatient with traditional marketing techniques and intrusive or irrelevant content and messages.
Why Trends Don’t Work with Brand Marketing
Why jumping on the bandwagon and blindly chasing "copycat" trends is never a good idea for brand marketers.